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2002 ACF Nationals - Packet by ACF Editors (#2) - #20 [report this tossup]
Literature — American
One of the central conflicts in this novel stems from the rescue of a feebleminded child caught in the path of an oncoming train. Set on the plantation in Shellmound, this novel features such characters as the daughter Shelley, who understands best the pain of her uncle George after Robbie leaves him for being unable to prove his love. Battle and Ellen Fairchild frown upon the title event, preparations for which begin when Laura McRaven comes to live at Shellmound after her mother's death. FTP, identify this novel by Eudora Welty centering on the marriage of Troy Flavin and Dabny Fairchild.
Answer: Delta Wedding

2010 ACF Nationals - Packet by VCU - #13 [report this tossup]
Literature — American
In one story by this author, a beautiful, sought-after woman baffles a small town by marrying a one-legged man. In another story, a boy soprano goes to see a fortune teller and is forced to grow up, while in another work the servant Bruce informs Clarisse that Alcee is attending the title event, where he meets the ravishing Calixta. This author of "Juanita", and "A Vocation and a Voice" wrote a novel in which a widowed planter convinces David Hosmer to try to remarry his ex-wife Fanny. This author also wrote about a woman who chooses to move to the "pigeon house" and is comforted by Doctor Mandelet about her love for Robert Lebrun before drowning herself. For 10 points, name this author of At Fault and "A Ball at Acadie," who wrote about Edna Pontellier in The Awakening.
Answer: Kate Chopin

2009 ACF Fall - Packet by Maryland A and CWRU - #10 [report this tossup]
Literature — American
This story mentions an object that spent a year in the post office, some time on the shelf of Mr. Martin's grocery, and a year in Mr. Graves's barn. One character in this story is criticized for his decision to modernize by ending the use of wooden chips in favor of paper. The owner of a local coal company, Mr. Summers, organizes this story's title event. Eva is spared the consequences of her father Bill's misfortune by virtue of her marriage to Don. Instead, Bill, Nancy, Bill Jr., Dave and Tessie Hutchinson are picked at random, causing Mr. Delacroix to lift a giant stone to hurl at Tessie. For 10 points, name this short story that caused cancellations of New Yorker subscriptions, a work of Shirley Jackson.
Answer: The Lottery

2006 ACF Regionals - Packet by Texas - #10 [report this tossup]
Literature — American
A set of handmade quilts sent by the mother of one of the central characters are a symbol of lower class in this novel, whose events are preceded by the death of the narrator's mother. Tension is created after one of the novel's characters risks his life to rescue a mentally handicapped child who wandered in front of a train. That character's wife, Robbie, left him in Memphis but follows him when he departs for the title event, which takes place at Shellmound. The central family includes Shelley, who wants to be a nun; Aunt Ellen; and Uncle Battle, who dreads the departure of his daughter Dabney. FTP, what is this novel narrated by Laura McRaven and centering on a gathering of the Fairchild family by Eudora Welty?
Answer: Delta Wedding

2006 ACF Regionals - Packet by Chicago A - #6 [report this tossup]
Literature — American
This author's first published work discusses the issue of racial stereotyping in the interactions between Boyd and the Wilsons. This author of "A Cauliflower in Her Hair" also wrote about a man who tells his cabbie to only bet on horses with names containing the letters C, R, and L in the story that gives its title to a posthumously published collection. In addition to "After You, My Dear Alphonse" and "One Ordinary Day, with Peanuts," this author also wrote about the mentally unstable Natalie Waite in The Hangsaman and Merricat Blackwood in We Have Always Lived in the Castle. FTP name this writer commonly associated with a story whose title event is led by Mr. Summers on June twenty-seventh; the American writer of The Haunting of Hill House and "The Lottery."
Answer: Shirley Hardie Jackson

2000 ACF Nationals - Packet by Strayer - #17 [report this tossup]
Literature — American
Published in Little Friend, Little Friend, its violence presaged its author's own sudden death in a 1965 car crash, and its content reflected his service as a navigation tower operator in the airforce. The narrator sleepwalks into military service, awakening in the midst of battle and the title event occurs "six miles from earth," and is cleaned up with a hose. FTP, name this 5-line poem published in 1945 by Randall Jarrell.
Answer: The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner

2004 ACF Nationals - Packet by Michigan - #5 [report this tossup]
Literature — European
The author of this poem wrote later that in the title location, creative art was not individual but artists were "absorbed in their subject matter and that the vision of a whole people." In the poem, the artists are producing a form "of hammered gold and gold enamelling to keep a drowsy emperor awake." The title event is caused by the observation that "these dying generations" do not care about "monuments of unageing intellect," which is the reason for the opening observation that "that is no country for old men." The period just before the end of the Platonic Academy and the opening of San Sophia is the destination envisaged in -- for 10 points -- what poem by W.B. Yeats?
Answer: Sailing to Byzantium

2004 ACF Nationals - Packet by ACF Editors (#2) - #1 [report this tossup]
Literature — European
At the end the author compares art to a natural phenomenon, though this work begins by arguing for the superiority of feeling and describing a novice trying to paint a scene from perspective. Later, the essay discusses the instinct of self-preservation by quoting a line from Paradise Lost, "the fear of instant death smites him 'with its petrific mace,'" and further explains how the title activity brings sympathy to the murderer instead of the victim. The key point describes a woman's sigh before she faints and notes how the sound of wheels that break the silence at a funeral procession mirror the title event. FTP, identify this work of criticism about a noise in Shakespeare's Scottish play, written by Thomas De Quincey.
Answer: On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth

2010 ACF Fall - Packet by Ohio State - #12 [report this tossup]
Literature — European
In this author's first play, a wounded insect falls into a group of cockroaches and falls in love with. Another work by this author is described as a "tragic poem" and sees the title character strangle her impotent husband. This author wrote the poem "Lament for the Death of a Bullfighter." In addition to Yerma, this member of the Generation of '27 wrote about Leonardo Felix, who attends the title event and shoots the groom. He wrote a drama about the title widow and her five daughters featuring the character Pepe El Romano. For 10 points, name this Spanish author whose "Rural Trilogy" includes the plays Blood Wedding and The House of Bernarda Alba.
Answer: Federico Garcia Lorca

2005 ACF Fall - Packet by South Carolina A, Yale A, Grinnell Driscoll, Chicago D, and Florida D - #19 [report this tossup]
Literature — World
A Jewish student nicknamed "mask-face" is absorbed into the jungle tribe known as the Machiguengans in his novel The Storyteller. The story of a group of boys enrolled in a military academy including "The Poet," "The Slave" and "Boa" is told in The Time of the Hero, while the title event takes place between Santiago and Ambrosio in Conversation in the Cathedral. Better known are his novel about a brothel in a jungle village, The Green House and a novel about revolution in late 19th-century Brazil, The War of the End of the World. Best known, however, is his novel about Mario, a radio journalist and writer who marries one of the title characters, a woman who admires the screenplays of Pedro Camacho. FTP name this Peruvian politician and author of Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter.
Answer: Mario Vargas Llosa

2005 ACF Fall - Packet by FSU A, Michigan B, and South Carolina A - #19 [report this tossup]
Literature — World
The only character that is constantly cheerful in this work is a servant boy named Gerasim. One of the title character's close friends meets a colleague named Schwarz, who winks at him and tries to arrange an evening game of bridge. After losing two promotions, the title character gets a new job when a man named Miller is replaced by his friend Zachar, who helps set him up in St. Petersburg. His wife Praskovya and their son Volodya come to live with him in their new house, but while he is attempting to show an upholsterer how to hang some drapes he falls, hitting his side on the knob of the window frame. The bruise he gets eventually grows, and he grows sicker until he expires. FTP, name this short novel by Leo Tolstoy that concludes with the title event.
Answer: "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" or "Smert Ivana Ilyicha"

2007 ACF Nationals - Packet by Carleton - #5 [report this tossup]
Literature — World
The main character wakes up at 5:30 after having a dream about trees and decides to go to his mother's to get an aspirin. The narrator's sister, Margot, invites the protagonist to her house, and feels jealous of his fiancée, Flora Miguel. Important symbols in this work include Bayardo's Model T, while important settings include Clothilde Armenta's milk shop, where a group of men obtain their implements of destruction from Faustino Santos. Although Colonel Lazaro Aponte could have prevented the title event, he decides to check on his dominoes game instead. Focusing on the Vicario brothers' avenging their sister Angela by killing Santiago Nasar, this is, FTP, what Gabriel Garcia Marquez novella?
Answer: Chronicle of a Death Foretold or Cronica de un muerte anunciada

2009 ACF Fall - Packet by Brandeis and UCLA A - #20 [report this tossup]
Literature — World
This author wrote of a character known as "superbrain" who participates in a title event after meeting Ambrosio at a dog pound. In another of his works, Fushia travels to a leper colony, Chapiro loses a game Russian Roulette to Lituma, and the harpist Don Anselmo runs the title bordello at the edge of the rainforest. This author of Conversation in the Cathedral and The Green House wrote about a series of cadets at The Leoncio Prado Military Academy in one work, and in another of his novels, Pedro Camacho writes radio soap operas and Mario falls in love with the older title character. For 10 points, name this Peruvian novelist of The Time of the Hero and Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter.
Answer: Mario Vargas Llosa

2010 ACF Winter - Packet by Bellevue and Lawrence - #12 [report this tossup]
Literature — World
One author from this country wrote a story whose title character takes a walk each Sunday to people-watch, but when she overhears a couple making fun of her, she imagines her fox-fur crying. That native of this country also wrote a story in which things like a pear tree and Pearl Fulton inspire the titular emotion in Bertha Young. In a novel by another author from this country, the mute Simon is abused by his adoptive father Joe Gillayley and finds his way to the "Tower" where Kerewin Holmes lives. This country is home to the author of "Miss Brill," "Bliss," and a story in which Mr. Scott's death fails to derail the title event, despite Laura Sheridan's objections. For 10 points, name this homeland of the authors of The Bone People and "The Garden Party," Keri Hulme and Katherine Mansfield.
Answer: New Zealand [accept Aotearoa; or The Land of the Long White Cloud]

2010 ACF Winter - Packet by Virginia Commonwealth and Duke - #8 [report this tossup]
Literature — World
The narrator of this work recalls digging through the flooded Palace of Justice to recover 322 pages of a brief. One character in this work confuses the bad omen of birds with the good omen of trees when interpreting her son's dream. Another character in this novel writes weekly letters for seventeen years until her former lover returns them all unopened. Father Amador is distracted from its title event by the arrival of the bishop on a steamboat, and that event is sparked after Bayardo San Roman returns one character to her mother. The butcher Faustino is asked to sharpen two pairs of knives in this work; those knives are used by the Vicario twins after their sister Angela informs them that Santiago Nasar took her virginity. For 10 points, name this 1981 novella by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Answer: Chronicle of a Death Foretold [or Cronica de una muerte anunciada]

2010 ACF Regionals - Packet by Editors 1 - #1 [report this tossup]
Literature — World
In this novel, Xius dies of shock after refusing an offer of two bags of money to buy his house, because it reminds him of his dead wife Yolanda. In one incident, roosters are gathered to please a visiting bishop who loves cockscomb soup, but ultimately the bishop only waves a blessing from his steamship and doesn't come on shore. Father Amador performs a haphazard autopsy when Dr. Dionisio Iguaran is gone, and later Colonel Lazaro Aponte checks on the time of his domino game rather than investigating two men in Clotilde Armenta's milk shop, who are waiting for the son of Placida Linero. The title event of this novel is precipitated by Bayardo San Roman returning his wife Angela to her family on their wedding night. For 10 points, name this novel in which the Vicario Brothers murder Santiago Nasar, a work by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Answer: Chronicle of a Death Foretold [accept Crónica de una muerte anunciada]

2010 ACF Regionals - Packet by UCSD - #6 [report this tossup]
Literature — World
In one story by this author, two boys get a toy sail boat for their good grades, but drown in the light that escapes from broken lightbulbs. In another story the Pope comes to visit Nicanor while attending "Big Mama's Funeral". This author wrote about Meme, the mistress of a doctor who commits suicide, ushering Isabel and the Colonel to describe the title event in his story "Leaf Storm". The oldest woman leads a village of tiny people to bury Esteban in one of his stories, while in another Pelayo discovers a figure lying face down in the mud who the village thinks is an angel. For 10 points, name this author of "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" who wrote about the Buendia family in One Hundred Years of Solitude.
Answer: Gabriel García-Márquez

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