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2003 ACF Nationals - Packet by Maryland and Vanderbilt - #20 [report this tossup]
Located in the Contarelli Chapel in the Church of San Luigi dei Francesi in Rome, the only object visible in the background of this work is a window of a tavern. The titular figure sits on the far left with his head bowed and a light shining on him from the upper right, and a man in the middle of the table points at him in surprise. Jesus, mostly hidden behind St. Peter on the far right, also points at the titular figure, indicating him to follow in, FTP, what great tenebrist painting by Caravaggio?
Answer: The Calling of St. Matthew

2001 ACF Nationals - Packet by Wisconsin - #15 [report this tossup]
As emperor, he transferred the last legion that was led by a senatorial proconsul to the command of an imperial legate, thus completing the complete control of the Roman army by the emperor. Although he may have been epileptic and did have a deep attachment to his sister Drusilla, accounts of his reign are so biased that it is difficult to ascertain his true actions. It is not true, however, that he made his horse a consul, though Suetonius claims he would have had he lived longer. FTP, name this wacky emperor who ruled Rome from 37 to 41 C.E.
Answer: Caligula

2007 ACF Fall - Packet by Harvard A - #1 [report this tossup]
The Tebbe reaction uses a metal carbenoid to create molecules of this functional class, while the Peterson reaction allows chemists synthesizing them to favor a specific stereoisomer. Only one stereoisomer can be generated by the Julia reaction because its last step requires that R-chains be anti- to one another. They can also be created fromcarbonyls using an ylide in the Wittig reaction, but the easiest way to produce them is through a bimolecular E2 reaction. FTP, identify these molecules, such as ethene or propene, characterized by a carbon-carbon double bond.
Answer: alkenes [accept olefins]